Welcome to the District Seminars and Workshops Page!
State SS Chairmen and District Pastors looking for quality training events for pastors and church leaders...
These seminars are Power Point and Video presentations
TWorkbooks included!
Designed to fit either a one day or two evening format.
Seminars on leadership, small groups, and Sunday school.
Excellent resources for:
Pastors' Training Days,
District/State Sunday School Conventionsk,
District tours.
Can be edited to fit YOUR state or district.
The Concern of many Small and Middle Sized Churches: * Often Pastors are deeply committed, but may be inexperienced. * Smaller churches some times do not have a strategy for outreach and growth. * Consequently, some fellowships struggle just to maintain the status quo. Unleashing the Small and Middle Sized Churchwill help the inexperienced pastor (or those who do not naturally develop a church growth strategy) to design just such a plan for their congregations.
A 4-hour interactive seminar
Perfect for regional Sunday school conventions or...
Pastor's continuing training events nationally.
The theme: "Discovering Four Keys to Unlocking YOUR Church'es Potential for Growth!"
P resented in four parts of approximately an hour each.
Here are the four topics built into this powerful ongoing education event: * The "Point Man": Being The Spiritual Leader as Pastor . * Empowering Laity to serve and lead. * Small Groups: A strategy for lay leadership and community. * Team Building: Creating a healthy functioning leadership team.
Contact dk_slamp@yahoo.com for more information about this seminar and request a sample copy of the workbook.
Ifyour churches need to reach out more aggressively...
If the pastors and leaders in your state or district want to build significant relationships into their Sunday school...
If congregations in your area need to assimilate new people into their fellowship more effectively... Then, it's time to schedule The CareRing Sunday School! This creative resource has been used by state leaders, by District Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries Chairmen, and Christian Education Conventions alike to give pastors and leaders a new vision for discipleship in the Sunday school.
The CareRing Sunday School can produce new leaders in your church.It will also enable you to reach out to the "fringe people" in your congregations and draw them into fellowship. The CareRing Sunday School gives churches a proven method of providing quality pastoral care to all your people.
Here are some of the topics in The CRSS: * A New Thing! * Small Groups in the New Testament Church. * 5 Things CareRings Can Do * The difference between Sunday school and Small Groups. * The BIG Picture! * How to get started and train leaders. * Why connect small groups with the Sunday school.
This 4 hour interactive seminar can easily fit into most schedules of a District Sunday School Convention or become an intensive four session breakout. The presentation is made with Power Point and includes a workbook for participants. It is loaded with fun experiences and uses film clips for discussion. For a free sample workbook and/or to scheduleThe CRSS,contact David Slamp at dk_slamp@yahoo.com today.
Rekindling a Passion for Evangelism!
* Are Small Groups a new idea to you or your leaders? * Do your leaders need renewed commitment to outreach and evangelism? * Does your organization need new life and a substantial vision?
If so, The Small Group Sunday School may be just the seminar you need! This proven seminar is given with Power Point, and can be delivered in either a 2 hour or 3 hour format. Participants receive a workbook that includes the ideas about getting started developing small groups along side your Sunday school.
Here are some of the topics addressed: * What's the Difference between Sunday school and small groups? * Why the Sunday school needs small groups. * How to build a balanced Evangelistic System. * Steps to getting started...
For a sample workbook and/or to schedule Dr. David Slamp for your next training event, click dk_slamp@yahoo.com.
Church Office Seminar: Ministry or Madness?
Just for YOU! Whether you are a part time volunteer in a mid-sized or small church, a full time large church administrative assistant, or the only person in the church office, this one's for you! Written by an experienced church office worker and a pastor's wife, this seminar is a WINNER! The cost of this amazing day will pay for itself many times over. (Lunch is on your own).
2. Double Offer: $149.00 - Two people from the same church.
3. Triple Offer: $219.00 - Three from the same church
4. Best Offer: $199.00 - Four or more from the same church.
Kathy Slamp, Author & Presenter
Upgrading the Sunday School, OR...How to Boil a Frog! Transfiguring the Traditional Sunday to a 21st Century Model
Shifting to a new paradigm can be excruciatingly painful. Change is difficult for even committed men and women, and yet so much has change in the past 10 years, we must adapt if we are to capture and hold the attention of 21st Americans.
In this cutting edge seminar, Dave Slamp challenges pastors, leaders, and teachers alike face the need to upgrade our approaches and methodology to communicate in a post modern world. While we are deeply committed to the message of Jesus, we know we simply must now face the needs of a more technological and even impersonal day. This seminar can be presented in either a 2-hour or 4-hour format, and comes with both participant's workbooks and Power Point presentation.
Here are just a few hot topics addressed in this seminar:
* 6 Facts about Paradigms. * 4 Innovative Options for the Future of Sunday School. * 8 Essentials of Transitioning Your Sunday School.
This seminar has been received well at both District Sunday School and Discipleship Conventions and regional Christian Education Conferences. An excellent seminar to equip leaders to make changes constructively in their Sunday schools!
Click FROGfor a free sample of the notes for this seminar, and say, "Send me the Frog Seminar book, please." Be sure to enclose your mailing address.
Upgrading the Sunday School
The Great Commission Sunday School
The Great Commission Sunday School Rekindling a Passion for Evangelism!
This comprehensive 5 hour Creative Resource is ideal for state or district Sunday school organizations wanting to mobilize and motivate their people toward outreach and evangelism!
The GCSS has been enthusiastically received and has been presented in Missouri, New York, Texas, Washington, Kansas, Tennessee, and Oklahoma. There are four sections that all address significant concerns with biblical truth. Videos are used to build interest and stimulate discussion. There are interactive experiences designed so that groups of 6 to 8 from a given local church can discuss and apply the principles. The concepts are supported by scores of
Here are the Topics Addressed:
* 7 Myths About the Growing Evangelistic Sunday School. * The Purpose Driven Sunday School. * How to Evangelize Through the Sunday School: A Proven Method! * Conserving the Results.
To schedule this comprehensive seminar contact Dr. Slamp at the phone/address below.
Dr. David A. Slamp -- 5713 NE 62nd Cir, Vancouver, WA 98661. Cell: 541.944.9497 - dk_slamp@yahoo.com
Bible Study and Creative Resources for Your Sunday School, and Small Group Ministry !