Radical Small Groups: Reshaping Community to Accelerate Life Change
Finally! A book that takes you beyond programs and spells out exactly how to put spiritual growth on steroids in your church.Here is an exciting way to think synergistically and dramatically accelerate authentic life change. There has never been a book more urgent to read than this one in our impersonal society and spiritually impoverished world. Read more...
CareRings: Sunday School and Small Groups Side by Side
This 223 page book is a comprehensive resource that will give small group leaders, as well as pastors and Small Groups point leaders, everything they need to launch and develop a thriving CareRing ministry along side the dynamic Sunday school. Timely Topics Include:
A New Reformation
Mission Accomplished with Groups
Why Sunday School and Small Groups are a Perfect Match.
Leadership Training Manual and Power Point Training.
Here you will find a complete training experience for all your new shepherd/leaders. Thousands of seasoned shepherd/leaders have taken this training to enhance their leadership abilities.
There are up to 9 hours of interactive training that include:
Use of Movie Clips to stimulate quality discussion.
Fill-in-the-blank notes to enhance learning and retention.
Dozens of actual small group experiences to provide hands-on learning.
This 72 page Workbook BECOMES the CareRing Handbook for future reference.
The PERFECT Companion! NOW FEATURED AT $20.00 OFF in the "SPRING" SALE.
One of the most frustrating problems in starting new groups is the time and expertise to train new leaders.
Now training is ready for you to offer at an extremely low price!A full 8-hour Power Point Leadership Training program is available on CD! That's right, everything you need to take your leaders through a comprehensive full day of training is at your finger tips. Features of the Power Point CD: * Works with either Power Point '03 or '07. * Can be edited to fit your own local church! * Can be organized to fit either a four night 2-hour format or a full day presentation! * All the fun small group experiences are already provided so participants EXPERIENCE small group dynamics. * Short video clips can easily be added to stimulate interest and create discussion. * The CD Power Point Leadership Training goes with the "Leadership Training" workbook/manual!
The Power Point comes ready to install from the CD to your computer, and then be edited and run by any qualified leader/teacher in your church. With even a few hours preparation the busiest pastor can be ready to walk new leaders through the training.
All the discoveries and "know-how" gained in over 16 years leading small groups in the local church is now YOURS! Go to the STORE to order yours today.
52 Weeks of Guidelines The two most common questions Pastors and group leaders ask are, * "How can I find time to prepare lessons and lead my group?" * "Lessons are so expensive when purchased. How can we offer quality studies that don't cost so much?" Well, here are the answers! 52 Weeks of Guidelinesis has everything a busy leader needs to do the job well. Guidelines are one page outlines that provide a complete study. They are reproducable, so the cost is merely 6 to 8 cents per person per week or LESS! Here are the main features of 52 Weeks: * There is a Leader's Guide for every week with commentary quotes and suggested responses to get your group talking. * They are referenced by scripture being studied so you can choose lessons that correlate with your pastor's message or with a Sunday school lesson. * They include Bible application so the personal lives of your members are impacted. * They are also cross-referenced by topic so you can easily select a lesson on some subject of interest to your group. * They INCLUDE Ice Breakers and prayer suggestions.
The average cost per week of lessons purchased on line or in book stores, is over $1.24 per person! With 52 Weeks of Guidelines the cost is only penneys per week!
With each book the purchaser (either a pastor, small group leader, or church) receives the copywrites. That group, that pastor, or that congregation can then copy as many Guideliens as they like as often as the like!
Dr. David A. Slamp -- 5713 NE 62nd Cir, Vancouver, WA 98661. Cell: 541.944.9497 - dk_slamp@yahoo.com
Bible Study and Creative Resources for Your Sunday School, and Small Group Ministry !